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Digital Health has taken the center stage post pandemic. We are now moving towards adaptation to newer technologies which can help connect and engage with patients for a better patient experience. Last couple of years there has been a sprout in Innovative digital health solutions. Hospitals embracing these newer technologies will be able to adapt faster to the change in dynamics.

Startups have come to the forefront in creating a closed loop network for the care continuum. Discovery platforms for doctors to insurance marketplaces to last mile diagnostic sample collections have all been gaps in the healthcare ecosystem. Since 2018, we can see the state infrastructure and the startup ecosystem in the country making giant strides in these fields. At Healthcare capital, we are committed to promoting a healthier India, through investments in wellness, genomics and preventive care.

Secondly, importance of good quality nursing care has become a prime factor in providing quality treatment and care. During the pandemic phase, all doctors and healthcare workers were at the forefront, and amongst them the nursing care has undergone a sea change. Hospitals across the country will look at training nurses and supporting them with high-end equipment, infrastructure resources, training workshops, and knowledge sharing.

The pandemic has also enabled the smaller hospitals and nursing homes cater to critically ill patients. This has paved way for the need to have an effective management of ICUs, not just in bigger but also in smaller hospitals. The ICUs should be well equipped with infrastructure, medical equipment, sufficient manpower, and qualified paramedics. This effective management of ICU will be a key factor for any hospital irrespective of the size.

There has also been a paradigm shift in patient mindset which is ‘illness to wellness.’ The focus is magnifying towards awareness on preventive healthcare where people are constantly encouraged to undergo routine health checkups and we can see a rise in the same in the coming years. Master health checkups will be taken more seriously, which will help diagnose health issues much earlier thereby improving the quality of life.  

While these are some changes we have been seeing internally, external factors also play a vital role. For instance, the UHID initiative by government of India which helps bring health records of Indian citizens under one platform is a big technological and digital boon which will completely change the way every hospital will function. Thus, a successful healthcare organization is the one which embraces changes, ready to accept new norms and adapt to regulations put forward by the government